Originally Posted by scout
The same thing can be said about the left. Clearly the freedoms that one group holds dear the other has little respect for. This is truly a one-way street with traffic attempting two-way travel. To bad there can't be some sort of compromise, it appears it's all or nothing!
That's exactly what freedom is: all or nothing. Freedom isn't something that's measured by degree. One is either free or not free. It's paradoxical to state, "You're free to do whatever makes you happy, except for this list of things you're not allowed to do."
I think arguing the amount of freedoms we have or don't have is missing the point. What we should instead be arguing is how much control the government wishes to exert over its private citizens. The government under the Bush administration seems to be quite fond of micromanaging the lives of private citizens.
I find this odd coming from the party that claims it wants less governmental intrusion into our lives.