I created a program that converts centigrade to farehenheit, and I want to only print the answer to two decimal places. I can probably leave it as it is, since the problem doesn't ask to be formatted that way, but if get a problem that involves money, I would like to know how to do it.
Here's the problem, and the language is c:
/* This program converts Centigrade to Farenheit.
Written by: zero2
#include <stdio.h>
int main (void)
/*Local Definitions*/
float cent;
float far;
printf("Enter Temperature in Centigrade\n");
scanf(" %f", ¢);
far = 32 + (cent * 1.8);
printf("Temperature in Centigrade: %f\nTempreture in Farenheitt: %f\n", cent, far);
return 0;
/* main */
/* Results
Enter Temperature in Centigrade
Temperature in Centigrade: 37.000000
Tempreture in Farenheitt: 98.599998
Press any key to continue */