Clare Short, Minister for International Development in Blair's cabinet, has resigned.
Her reasons:
She says her position was made impossible because the draft new UN resolution now being discussed at the Security Council does not give the UN its promised central role in rebuilding Iraq.
She called the UK's position "totally dishonourable".
"I cannot defend it. It is wrong in international law and for the rebuilding of Iraq and it breaches the promises that the prime minister gave to me," she told BBC News.
She warned that the UK was colluding in a resolution which could perpetuate international divisions, marginalise the UN and make it more difficult to rebuild Iraq.
Anyone who follows British politics will know what a sad loss this is. She did wonders for International Development.
Interesting asides:
- One of the faults of Blair not mentioned in the "Blair for President" thread is his Presidential style or 'control freakery', which was one the factors leading to Short's resignation.
- The UK now has its first black woman cadinet minister.
- She will be running her department from the House of Lords, not the House of Commons.