Originally Posted by Squishor
Do you really have so little compassion? Who do you think you are? Don't you realize how easy it is for any one of us to end up in jail at least for a day or two? You can get in a car accident and end up in jail. You can be in the wrong place at the wrong time and end up in jail. Do you obey every law 100% of the time? Hell, you're probably breaking one right now!
Yup. Just because you are in jail does not mean that you did something wrong. You can spend months in jail waiting for your chance to prove your innocence in court.
"We find the defendant not guilty...sorry about that butt-full of semen. I guess you didn't deserve that after all. Rest assured that your new case of hepetitis can be controlled and you may not actually have AIDS. But get tested every 6 months, OK?"