Originally Posted by kutulu
How are your property rights being infringed?
As to hiring and firing are you saying you SHOULD be allowed to not hire people based on sex and color? That view is archaic and outdated. People are free to hate minorities all they want, however they are not permitted to make that influence their hiring practices.
There are thousands of private schools. If you don't like the trend in public schools, take your kid to private school.
Multiple wives: It's not just the Dems who are against that. Lol, you can bash gay marriage but support plural marriage. Nice "morals"
My property rights are infringed by democrat supported taxes, limitations on sale, land use restrictions, easements, lots of ways
There are many other democrat supported ways of limiting who I can and cannot hire and fire other than sex and color. I agree that hiring based upon color and sex is wrong, archaic and outdated. The policies supported by democrats are those that impose such hiring practices.
There are thousands of private schools, yes, but the democrats require that I pay for the public ones even if I don't like them. If I have a certain budget to educate my children and the government requires a full allotment of that money through taxes to a school I don't like, I'm out of luck. Most democrats do not support voucher plans that provide choice. After I'm taxed on my property and income and for SS and for medicare and pay local taxes, there may not be a lot left. Its kind of easy for a democrat to just say, hey you got choices man. I guess I'm wrong for feeling squeezed.
I don't bash gay marriage or support polygamy. Please read more closely. I'm just asking what the difference is if we are going to be calling marriage a right.