posted 04 November 2004 02:02 PM
Things keep changing
I was sitting back, I never expected
A sharp pain, a tender shock
I never expected a metal bat
Around the head
A pearing knife
In th eback of the knee
I'm walking, wounded
I wear my blood stains with price
Makes red hand prints
All round the neighbourhood
Pull on my hooded jacket
Wrap a scarf around my face
I got a big metal bat
And a couple of knives
Of my own
All the little things
All the little places
Everything I said about
The nature of time and all of the saints
SO it comes to this
My only friend
My sweetest embrace
My ugly star
Your light is unpure
It blinds me all the same
I listened to that song
For a length of days
I couldnt count
On this tally roll
one at a atime
I see now where the edges were frayed
Where the sparkle was just rrefraction
Grim muddy light
bursting through broken class
Spilt on the floor
After a rough school disco
You want to dig me up
From my shallow grave
And use my bones
For your witchcraft
Do what you have to do
Hate how you have to hate
Bring a spade and pentogram
And a latin book
Of Satanic songs
Bring a length of rope
And ten black candles
Some deadly nightshade
and a dozen roses
Hate how you have to hate, man
Do what you have to do
Cos guess what, Im not buried were you left me
Im walking the moors
All wild and frightening
With my big metal bat
My pair of knives
My hooded jacket
My hooded eyes
Oh, Ive been feeling like ****
For a little long while
Oh, you didnt know
Guess what
I didnt care
"Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate,
for all things are plain in the sight of Heaven. For nothing
hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain
without being uncovered."
The Gospel of Thomas