Originally Posted by kutulu
When was the last time a LOSING candidate got 48% of the vote? Oh yeah, nobody mentions that. The right needs to admit that it was hardly and asskicking.
I think that truth is that the right is afraid that a very liberal and very weak candidate got that many votes. The only way to negate that is to declare an asswhooping that didn't happen. Imagine that. Republican leaders and pundits lying to us.
Al Gore got 48% of the vote in 2000. And yes, he lost.
The right has everything. The presidency, the congress, the governerships, some say the supreme court. It may not have been an ass-kicking of JFKerry, but it was a significant part of the thorough ass-kicking that has been going on for 10 years now. I'm not happy about what happened, particulary in my state, but to sit here and start telling the right how it has to characterize its ascendency doesn't make any sense to me.