Originally Posted by willravel
Why does the right think Bush protected us from terrorism?! I have heard the from my own flesh and blood, and I have no idea who told them this. Bush went to war, of course, but how in God's name did attacking Iraq (and killing over a million Iraqi's, military and civilian) protect us from terrorism? I hear it right here from the mostly very intelligent community of tfp. Bush admitted that the reasons we went to Iraq, WMDs and a connection to the al qaeda, were untrue. We did not stop terrorism by entering Iraq, we actually created more in the form of insurgents (a.k.a. rebels). We gave up our search for Ossama. The man the government named as the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks was cornered in the tora bora mountains. We pulled out our troops, and asked very nicely if the warlord could find him for us.
How did Bush protect America? I am really confused about this.
If you really want to know, here it is. It is believed that the President moved quickly following 911 to confront the enemy who in restrospect has been at war with us for about 25 years. He understood the threat and the losses that would come with inaction. He correctly stated that are enemy includes those who wage terrorism, those that fund it, and those that knowingly harbor terrorists. He identified not just Al Qaeda as the enemy (if you doubt that they are the enemy, you can read their training manuals--http://www.usdoj.gov/ag/trainingmanual.htm), but also the Taliban. Even though many disagree with the invasion, and many said it couldn't work (see Russia, circa 1979), and others still called it a quagmire after only few days, most believe that the invasion was a success and severly limited the operational ability of the enemy--even though UBL was not captured. He went after the financial resources of the enemy and his agencies have been vigilant in securing funds bound for terrorist activities. He has won the cooperation of a number of nations, including Pakistan, which was not easy to do and has been valuable. He has convinced Libya to stop development of WMDs and nukes. He has remade a large portion of the federal government to create the dept. of homeland security. He has provided more funding for intelligence and torn down barriers that impeded the sharing of necessary information between agencies. It is believed that the federal gov't has busted several terrorist cells between our shores and on many others. It is believed that several attacks have been thwarted. After 911 he told us that any failures would be immediately known, but that successes would not be. It's fair to say we don't know about all of the successes. We do know that 911 was a spectacular success for UBL and he and his have been trying to exceed it every day since. There are those that believe that instead of bombs, airplanes, or wmds, all UBL was able to send us this election (and since 911) was a videotape. Those who would have been killed had W. not acted will never know the true impact of the federal governments efforts to stop terrorism. He promised after 911 that he would not waiver, would not relent, and would not forget. He has made mistakes, but has not broken that promise.
My point is not to argue the details of every sub-issue above, but that there are those, whether right wing or not, who believe it. Discounting it or acting like W. is just a liar who isn't even trying or making statements like we gave up the search for UBL may make you feel better when talking to your smart left-thinking friends, but I don't know what else it accomplishes.