Why does the right think Bush protected us from terrorism?! I have heard the from my own flesh and blood, and I have no idea who told them this. Bush went to war, of course, but how in God's name did attacking Iraq (and killing over a million Iraqi's, military and civilian) protect us from terrorism? I hear it right here from the mostly very intelligent community of tfp. Bush admitted that the reasons we went to Iraq, WMDs and a connection to the al qaeda, were untrue. We did not stop terrorism by entering Iraq, we actually created more in the form of insurgents (a.k.a. rebels). We gave up our search for Ossama. The man the government named as the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks was cornered in the tora bora mountains. We pulled out our troops, and asked very nicely if the warlord could find him for us.
How did Bush protect America? I am really confused about this.