I've done time in jail, but I'm female...but my boyfriend also did, and he never got raped. Let me point out that there's a significant difference between "jail," generally a county facility, and "prison," which is state or federal. I think there is a lot more of this sort of thing happening in prison than in jail. In jails, you're more likely to get beat up, have your commissary stolen or be coerced into trading your mystery-meat sandwich for an apple, be threatened by people of a different color than yourself, or get gang tags drawn on your ass while you're asleep. In prison, rapes happen more often, although as far as I know not as often as the myth would have it.
I'm appalled at those of you who are self-righteous enough to say "they deserve it if they're in jail." Do you really have so little compassion? Who do you think you are? Don't you realize how easy it is for any one of us to end up in jail at least for a day or two? You can get in a car accident and end up in jail. You can be in the wrong place at the wrong time and end up in jail. Do you obey every law 100% of the time? Hell, you're probably breaking one right now!