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Old 11-05-2004, 07:24 AM   #26 (permalink)
Location: Right here
Originally Posted by roachboy
i am particularly weary of:

"liberal elite"---a meaningless phrase that functions mostly to convince folk on the right that they are being persecuted. a signifier for channelling class resentment.

"moral issues"---are not. they are political. they are also known as "wedge issues" they have been articulated and used to trigger a particular kind of response from the religious right. push the button, the muscle twitches.

everything the right might have to say on the question of gay marriage:
i genuinely do not understand why anyone who takes the drama of thier relation to god---the question of their soul---as their central concern in thier lives would be concerned in the slightest about who other people choose to love.

i do not understand how these same people have been been convinced that the obvious situation--marriage is a legal institution--does not obtain.

i do not understand how it is possible--at all--that folk have taken seriously the long line of vile christian coalition video propaganda to shape the understanding of what it means to be gay. this type of church basement nonsense is a form pioneered early on in the campaign against colorado's proposition 2....maybe because these videos claimed to be "documentaries" it is assumed they must be true....

i do not understand how a religion predicated on the new testament--you know, the one that talks about love your neighbor--can be warped into this kind of bigotry.

the assumption that the right gets to define what is and is not american.

that there were no problems with voting in this election.
in fact there has been a riot of trouble with this election.
in fact there is mounting eveidence of massive voter fraud in ohio.
in florida
in new mexico

no wonder the right tried to call for unity right away, inflating the nature of the bushwin, launching what amounts to a discursive offensive againt the opposition--effects of which you see here, in these boards--just give up, you are out of touch with mainstream america

what i am most tired of, however, is that the far right--the petit bourgeois core of the new republican constituency--defines itself as "mainstream"
it is insane.

that a 3% margin is a mandate.
you said class.

quit engaging in class warfare you liberal elite.

and I propose we wait until all the votes are counted before we analyze any sort of margin or mandate.

you had too much meat in the middle for me to address, sorry.
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