If I may ask- what, in your mind, makes you get to work early or late?
I'm late much more often than I'm early, and attribute it to my loathing of waking up without enough sleep. In other words, I'm not a morning person.
I have absolutely no problem staying up 3 hours later than usual, but if my alarm clock is set for a certain time and you try to get me out of bed 10 minutes before that time, I’ll rip your head off in anger.
Also, in the morning I always think I can drive faster than I really can, and think I can sleep another few minutes as long as I make it up later by speeding like a fiend to work. Unfortunately, that screwed up theory has actually worked a number of times, but it usually doesn’t and I end up being late more often than not.
If the job I love had later hours of operation, I'm sure I'd be much more punctual.
What kind of internal, senseless rationalizations do you have, if any?
I can has furburger?