Originally Posted by Kalibah
And BFC was total BS - He walks outta hte bank with a gun ( the bank gave out hunting rifles if you open an account) and yes he LITERALLY walked outta the bank with the gun - the implication they literally give you a gun- when in fact you got a coupon for a gunshop- where they made you do the wait, background check etc.
That was just 1 of the many fallacies in his movie
This critique of Moore has always fascinated me. Assuredly, he was not conveying entirely accurate information - but at the same token, he
did walk out of the bank with the gun. The bank
did give him a gun and let him walk out with it.
That much is irrefutable.
Also, I still get the impression that many people think Bowling For Columbine was actually an
anti-gun documentary. Strange.