Originally Posted by Mr Mephisto
Did you watch Roger and Me?
What's wrong with standing up for what you believe? You can rest assured he does not feel the same about you (he probably [i]can[/b] stand you), and most assuredly doesn't hate everything you do.
If anyone is being reactionary, radical and unreasonable, it is you.
Oh, and for the record, I haven't seen 9/11 or BFC. I liked Roger and Me though. And the Awful Truth was a good show.
Mr Mephisto
Watch Farenheight 9/11
then watch Farenhype 9/11
I try ot be fair - so i watched both
The man hates America.
" there is no terrorist threat" is laughable too btw.
And BFC was total BS - He walks outta hte bank with a gun ( the bank gave out hunting rifles if you open an account) and yes he LITERALLY walked outta the bank with the gun - the implication they literally give you a gun- when in fact you got a coupon for a gunshop- where they made you do the wait, background check etc.
That was just 1 of the many fallacies in his movie