So far episodes 1 & 2 have definitely earned their spots in history and are far superior to the originals. Episode 3 will be no different...
In all honesty I do think the trailer for episode 3 makes it look to be the best of the new movies. I also think episodes 1 & 2 were judged too harshly by many. If they had came out on their own, without having to live up to the originals, people would have liked them. They still would have hated jar jar either way, but they would have like them. Come one, the fight at the end of episode 1 with Darth Maul was priceless and who didn't think it was great, or hilarious depending on your point of view, when Yoda fought Dooku?
Last edited by Xiangsu; 11-04-2004 at 09:09 PM..