Originally Posted by j8ear
It is only evident that you and I have different definations of centrist policies. Nothing more.
Comparing interracial marriage with homosexual marriage is offensive and vulgar. Comparing the struggles of a entire race of people with the struggles of a miniscule and abnormal population of people is similarly repulsive.
A miniscule population? Isn't that synonomous with "minority?" "Abnormal" is a relative term. I happen to feel that homophobes are pretty damn abnormal.
This is where the cause for special priveledge for homosexuals goes astray. Those who do not comprehend and/or accept homosexuality as a lifestyle worthy of special protection, where the vast majority of American's fall, are label as hate mongers, bigots and far right wing nut jubs. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact it is those who place these labels that are bigots and hate mongers.
Nice try at projection. How, exactly, is it bigoted to want equal legal protections for someone else? Since when does "equal" protection equate with "special" protections?
However you slice it, the homosexual movement is part of the FAR LEFT in this country. Most american's ~are~ centrist and do not want to see, hear, talk about, or be exposed to homosexuality. Live and let live, but DO NOT shove your lifestyle down my throat. Hetrosexuals do not go around "loud and proud" about their sexual orientation, and they believe the same should be true for homosexuals.
Heterosexuals aren't "loud and proud?" Are you kidding? Have you watched a beer commercial, looked at a billboard or read a magazine lately? It's said that a fish never notices the water that it swims in.
Furthermore, how is the act of marriage between two adults an attempt to "shove something down your throat?" It seems that the opponents are the ones prolonging the struggle. Let people live their lives and it won't be shoved down your throat anymore (oh, the bad jokes that could be made of that phrase).
Even California voted to ban gay marriage (a few cycles back). Naturally the far left establishment disregarded the will of the people. The courts recently reigned that back in, by declaring that criminal in San Francisco had violated the law, and invalidating all of the marriage's performed.
Come to terms with reality. Insulting and degrading your audience is a poor way to garner support for your cause.
What far left establishment is that? The Supreme Court? How could they legally back discrimination? They have a few precedents that make that difficult. Are we looking for the modern day equivalent to Plessy v. Ferguson?