Originally Posted by Mr Mephisto
Call me an optimist, but I've been thinking the past couple of days that Bush may move in a positive direction now that he has won the election.
I'm perfectly aware that my opinion of "positive" may not be the same as someone else's, so lets leave the pedantic bickering somewhere else, and concenctrate on what I'm trying to say.
I believe some of Bush's "strong-man" (or "arrogant" to others) attitude had a lot to do with his position in America. He knew he got in by a hair's breadth and that more people voted against him that for him in 2000.
Now, with an undoubted ring of endorsement from the American people, I think he may feel a little more secure. Maybe he won't need so hard to "prove himself" or act the "hard man". Maybe he will now realize that half the American people didn't support him and will make efforts to mend bridges rather than charge over them, destroying them allow the way.
Some may say that the Republicans increased power will simply allow them to ride roughshod over the Democratic agenda. This is true; it does allow them to do so. But I hold out a (albeit slim) hope that a reinvigorated Bush will be a better, more considerate, more engaging and more open minded man.
Mr Mephisto
I wish. If this really turns out to be true, I'll be VERY surprised.