Originally Posted by j8ear
You have failed to convince me that because the dems were strong armed or the republicans voted for the legislation that it far right wing extremist in nature.
The fact remains, education was further federalized, and the largest entitlement in a generation was enacted. and protectionist trade policies were persued. These are left of center ideals. Democrats and the left might not like the spirit or even the letter of these things, most likely because they were beaten to it, but they are NOT, to be sure, RIGHT WING POLICIES. Not by a long shot.
Not to mention the restrictions on ordinary citizens political speech. Speech codes and 1st ammendment limitations are decidedly left of center.
Please don't confuse me with affiliation to any particular party. I don't care who voted for what, from what party they emerged, or how they were pressured to do so. It is irrelevant to this discussion.
I continue to maintain that Bush will persue additional centrist policies, which includes banning gay marriage.
I'm not particularly interested in convincing you of anything, but I'll post a few things since you maligned what I said:
Republicans were strong-armed by their own party to vote in particular ways.
The entitlement enacted by Bush was to pharm corporations--not seniors. The ones who haven't already read the actual bill will find out in two years when it starts to kick in. Bush will be on his way out of the crosshairs by then, however. That's not a left plank.
Education was 'federalized' to enact requirements for funding. People actually paying attention to the results of no child left behind realize it's underfunded and the requirements can't be met. Conservatives continue to point at our 'failing' government provided education and urge to dismantle it. That's not a left plank.
Protectionist trade policies were enacted to garner votes. I don't understand how that's indicative of any political ideology--it's just shit and ironic that someone would point to it as anyone's achievement.
Yeah, maybe lefts and dems are upset because they were beat to the punch by the republicans. enacting a bill that doesn't do what the title says it will, but then people rail against the idea the title represents. it's a powerful and effective tactic. I wish the democratic base and leftists 'elites' were ignorant enough to fall for it.