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Old 11-04-2004, 07:36 PM   #2 (permalink)
Yes we are. America has a long history of being sharply divided on many issues. This isn't a new thing just a much more visible thing as you now are bombarded with the varying opinions. The internet is a wonderful thing and being part of it gives you instant access to anybody's opinions at any time. Add into it a growing self righetousness that ALL sides on every issue seem to have and there you have your problem.

The main thing that could fix this is some good old fashioned compromise. We as a people need to realize that this country was partly built on compromise, it thrived on it and will only move forward that way. The thing is though people are so reactionary. People on the left knee jerk at something somebody on the right did. Then people on the right knee jerk right back and lean farther and farther to the polar opposites which wouldn't happen if people sat down talked things through calmly opened their minds to other opinions and attempted to find a decent compromise.
Take the hot topic of abortion. Many on the right think it should be disbared totally even in the most horrific of cases. Many on the left think it should be allowed without question at any point at any time for any reason. Needless to say with two totally seperate views things will get nasty but with a little understanding on both sides a workable middle ground wouldn't be THAT hard to reach. Many people who say they are slanted heavily against abortion in all it's forms after a little talking to will admit it's not right for a woman to HAVE to carry a child to term if it could kill her or if the child will be severly disabled. But at the same time people who vouch for reproductive rights likely wouldn't think it's correct to abort a perfectly viable fetus simply because a young person decided that they didn't want the responsibility.
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