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Old 11-04-2004, 06:07 PM   #19 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by alansmithee
I'm starting to think that Bush has broken the Democratic party as we know it. Many of the things that were not even issues when the Democratic Messiah Clinton (blessed be his economy) was in office are now apparenly central planks of the Democrat platform. What happened in the approx. 4 years to do this? Nobody is saying give up on certain things. Just maybe backburner them. I mean judging by the posts the Democratic party is made up of two principles:

1. Gays are all that is right and good in the world, and anyone who even thinks that maybe they aren't should be drawn and quartered as the bigoted rednecks they are.

2. Christianity is the greatest evil in the world, all its adherents are brainwashed morons, and they should all be killed en masse.

Is this what the Democratic party has boiled down to? They used to have some idea of what tolerance and open-mindedness is. Being tolerant and open-minded is not simply believing in liberal beliefs, it is examining ALL viewpoints and being open to them. In the earlier thread, I stated what I thought about the gay marriage issue. Now, I'm sure not all Christians feel this way, but I have thought about why am I against gay marriage. I looked outside the religous aspect, to see if there was any reason outside of religion for not being in favor of it. Many people probably would not consider that approach open minded, simply because they came to a different decision that they did. And that is wrong. That is why so many people were turned off by the Dems this year. They had a dogmatic, intolerant approach while trying to maintain a facade of openminded freethinkers. And many people saw through this.
Most Democrats, like most Americans, are Christians. I'm not one of them (Christian or democrat), but that is the truth.

Surprise, surprise, gay marriage wasn't an issue years ago because the supreme court hadn't yet made heard the Texas sodomy case whose judgement finally confirmed that legalised discrimination against any good citizen is unAmerican, no matter how unpopular they are. What's more, the Democrats didn't even support gay marriage in this election...why rail against them for an opinion they didn't endorse? As for intolerance, come on is advocating the legal discrimination of gays any form of tolerance? Freedom isn't reserved for those that you agree with.
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