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Old 11-04-2004, 06:07 PM   #16 (permalink)
Hillary, she's a bitch because she cares. (new campaign slogan)

Hey, this is funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!
posted by maleficent
Good senator? She's the junior senator, so she really can't cause any trouble, what she's really done that's good, I don't know. She rubbed a lot of people the wrong way, when having no real roots in NY, she moved here and decided "oh, I'll run for senate" Why not go home to Illinois, why not go home to Arkansas. Moinahan's was going to retire and she wanted it...

It's hard to put into words why I don't like her, the whole Whitewater fiasco had me questioning her ethics. Vince Foster's death (suicide?) still is a bit of a mystery, she's the stereotypical feminazi type that so many people bitch about but when Bill was running for office, she changed her name to his and all of a sudded baked cookies.

She went on national television, before Bill's affair was outted, and whined something fierce about the vast right wing conspiracy out to destroy her husband. And then there was her huge pet project, health care reform - which went nowhere...
Because this is exactly what I am tired of hearing. Character assasination with hatred and no facts :
And then there was her huge pet project, health care reform - which went nowhere
Health care is falling apart and you are complaining about someone having the foresight to try to address that issue.
Hillary, she's a bitch because she cares. (new campaign slogan)

You shouldn't even be writing in this thread because your ideas all originate from a vast right wing conspiracy Vince Fosters suicide, whitewater, health care.

It's hard to put into words why I don't like her
The sad part is you aren't even aware you've been played.

Last edited by maypo; 11-04-2004 at 06:10 PM..
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