Originally Posted by Mr Mephisto
I still don't understand why people hate Hillary Clinton. What has she ever done wrong? Sure, she's a Democrat, but is that it? From what I hear she's been a very good Senator for New York.
Please educate me.
Mr Mephisto
I don't quite know myself. Most of what I know about her is from people's opinions of her coming from the TV political shows and discussions with some independant voters that I know.
From what I can tell some of the disagreement with her stems from the socialized medical plan she was pushing. Some people disagree with her carpetbagging in New York to run for office. From what I can tell she is considered ultra-liberal which is a death knell for running for national office.
To me she is just another big government polititian, but I usually vote Libertarian. I see no reason for hate. I would think that the ultra-liberal tag would be hard to shake. I know it's only perceptions but sometimes they stick. I think the Democrats would do well to stay away from these perceptions next time if possible.