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Old 11-04-2004, 04:09 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Things I'm Sick of Hearing From The Right

I read through these threads and I'm hearing a lot of BS from the right. If you listen to what they are saying the Republicans not only got control of the White House, Senate, and House of Reps but did so in a totally dominating fashion. The Dems are now totally irrelevant to US politics and might as well give up. I'm sorry but it's 100% BS.

Presidential Election: You won by a 51.4% to 48.3% margain. That is hardly a commanding lead. Yes you won, but barely.

Moving on to the Senate. You picked up 4 seats. That is huge. However look at how the races went out:

I'm going to take an arbitrary number and say that a win with 60% of the vote is a large majority and under 60% is a close race. Using that criteria the Reps won 11 close races and the Dems won 5. The Dems won 10 with a large majority and the Reps won 8. Sure you guys gained a net 4 seats but you Barely won those four seats. Most of those races had the winner getting less than 55% of the vote. Realistically those could be just as easily lost in 6 years.

I'm not going to check the house. There are just too many races and I don't have the time for it. I think that this is proof enough that the Reps do not represent some outstanding majority in America.

To the Democrats:
We have work to do but I just don't think the future is as pesimistic as the Reps would like us to think it is. There were a LOT of close races from the POTUS to congress. We only need to attract a small amount of people to pull an upset like this election on the Reps in '08.
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