Originally Posted by Superbelt
The Civil Rights Act goes beyond what happened to blacks. You don't own it exclusively. Is homosexuality not a true minority? Why do you not think they are? They constitute only 11 percent of the population and their right to do as others do are being restricted. There CAN be contractual remedies to supplant marriage, but 8 of the 11 states that had a hate amendment on their ballot had wording in it that not only forbid gay marriage but forbid the rights to "allow transfer of property at death, allowing hospital visits, and even child custody".
Why should businesses not support relationships that cannot produce children? Some of these states amendments, first of all actually FORBID businesses from providing civil benefits for same sex partners. Also, what about an infertile couple? Can a business refuse to support that relationship too? That reasoning is whacky...
What is WRONG with their behavior? You complain about it but then say you don't care what they do in their bedroom? Wha? Gays aren't looking to take over the world, they just want some civil security, to visit their partner if they get sick, to retain custody of their children if their partner dies, to get to keep their damned house and savings if their partner dies!
The last three things in your post can all be handled through contracts between the two parties. I have no problem with individual contracts of that nature. And the law in Michigan forbids businesses from providing benefits for same sex partners IIRC, which I also don't mind (and why I voted for it). The part about only couples with children getting benefits is part of a personal belief I have about the secular reasoning for marriage. I didn't elaborate more because it would go too far off topic.
And homosexuals are not a true minority, they are a self-created minority. By this I mean it is their personal actions by which they define themselves. I watch football. Am I now a minority because I watch football? Should I not be allowed to work on sundays, monday nights, and the occasional thursday game? I also like to dress casually, so I could be in the "slacks and polo shirt" minority. Now my employer should allow me to wear my cutlural garb, correct?