Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Amarillo, TX
In anything, especially math, there are assumptions. People above are saying that .99999999999999 = 1. It doesn't, .99999999999999 = .99999999999999. But for arguments sake, .99999999999999 ~1. So, basically, its weird.
Noone is saying that 0.99999999999999 equals one. People are saying that "0.999..." or "0.9r" equals one and they are correct to think so. It doesnt approximately equal to one or asymptotic to 1 it exactly equals one.
It's like comparing the integral of 1/x and 1/(x^2) as x goes from 1 to infinity. By itself, and looking at it, you'd think they're the same, but they aren't.
The first diverges to infinity whle the second converges to 0.
The second converges and equals 1 not 0, but yes your right the first integral diverges.