I think a lot of people are getting confused, or at least are misunderstanding others.
If everyone in the country but me was christian and voted Pat Roberston into president, then whatever - it's just that any law that his administration imposes had better not be one that attempts to control my actions based on their morals or beliefs.
That's what people aren't understanding here. There are a LOT of conservative ideas that I like, but one thing about conservatives I can't stand is their constant need to try and control how others live through moral law. It makes no sense and really does go against everything this country was built upon.
And I know some goon is just WAITING to harp on this post and reply with some junk like, "Yeah, you think you should be able to murder, huh?! or Rape/steal/whatever". No.
The reality is, Bush being president won't affect *me* personally, but may affect society due to his religious beliefs influencing his decisions - especially in the area of science (stem cell research). Same for gay marriage, etc.. It's like when a black/white couple couldn't get married, that was pretty stupid. We agree now, so how is it any different for same sex? It's not.
I think we can all agree (as conservatives, liberals, etc) at this point in time that it was a good idea to stop slavery and to stop racial segregation. So... why continue the same ignorant thinking with another group of people?
Prime example of people using their beliefs to control what others do. Sorry if you don't agree, but it's wrong.
This country was founded by men who were religious and believed in god, but the foundation of this country states that no religion shall be forced on anyone else, so why do it? Why is it okay to create laws based around beliefs that one person has, but others don't?
There are certain givens that should be law, such as murder, stealing, rape, etc, but then there are items (like stem cell reasearch) that, if it wasn't for religion, would have no problems at all trying to stay afloat in our society.
Believe in whatever you want - live your life the way you want, but don't take any trivial beliefs you have and try to apply them to all of society.
*That* is the problem that most people have, not "oh, Christians suck."
I love lamp.
Last edited by Stompy; 11-04-2004 at 08:36 AM..