I don't think the gay marriage issue had anything to do with it for MOST voters.
I have to agree with Manx on this one, my problem with fundamentalist Christians, generally speaking (not all of them are like this, but most are), is their habit of believing that they're right and everyone else is wrong, of pushing their belief system down everyone's throat. To anyone who says they don't, ask them how they feel about prayer in public schools. It is absolutely undoubtedly a violation of the separation of church and state, and yet all of them believe, no, INSIST that they have a right to it, and if you oppose them, you're doing Lucifer's work.
"Allah" is merely the Arabic word for "God". Ask them if they would object to a teacher of Arabic descent stating "one nation under Allah" in class, and you'll find out just how intolerant and self-righteous these people are.
I am a pagan minister who regularly feels the scorn, disdain and obsessive drive to "save" everyone else that this group feels for anyone not a part of it. There are exceptions, yes, fine individuals who are fundamentalist who disagree with me entirely, yet who remains my friends, respect my views, and, hey, can even go through a normal day without mentioning Jesus to other people 753 times.
I have no problem with Jeheshua Bar Joseph, the man you erroneously call Jesus. It's the majority of his followers that I have a problem with.
I wonder how Christian it is to drop napalm on civilians, including children, in violation of a UN Resolution banning napalm that we signed years ago. I wonder how Christian it is to use depleted uranium bunkerbuster bombs that cause radiation sickness and mutated fetuses for control of the world's oil in an act of military aggression without legal standing (yes, another UN resolution violated, making every death in this war a murder). So many of you walk around with "What Would Jesus Do?" shirts and stickers. I'd like to hear your answer. Anyone here picturing Jesus firing an automatic rifle into a crowd? Anyone here imagining Jesus saying he'd murder another man for making a pass at him (as REVEREND Jimmy Swaggart recently said, presumably not in the presence of one of his hookers).
I have zero problem with your belief system, and will always defend your right to believe what you wish to believe. But the collective hypocrisy of this group of people, who are the majority of voters in this country, and their bias against anyone and everyone who doesn't agree with them, is nauseating.
One last suggestion: the next time a fundamentalist Christian tells you that his religion doesn't dictate his politics, ask him if he'd vote for a candidate who agreed with his position on absolutely every issue, but the candidate was a Muslim, or a Pagan, or an atheist.
Gotta go, someone's knocking on the door, perhaps it's the FBI coming to "liberate" me from my civil rights.