Originally Posted by jasonresno
I also heard the A's are tryign to deal one of the big three and I've been hearing that a posada/gordon/prospects deal for Hudson could be made, that is if the Yankees eat some of Jorges contract.
This deal makes absolutely no sense from the A's standpoint. Hudson is only going to make $6M next year. And for their slightly above average talent, Gordon and Posada make an obscene amount of money ($12M total in 2004). Jermaine Dye was the highest paid Athletic last year with $11.6M and the A's declined his 2005 option. Billy Beane is not going to make this deal unless he wants to destroy the A's and hand the AL pennant to the MFYs. Also, what prospects could the MFYs send in a trade that anyone would be interested in? Their farm system is bare.
The A's would do better to unload Zito (Arizona?) and keep the Hudson-Mulder duo.