Smooth.... I didn't mean to insinuate that unions do more harm that good, just that they don't do the good they once did. And I'm sure they serve as a deterent in some industries.
Cynthetiq....I think that shoddy workmanship you mentioned has more to do with companies trying to turn a profit by slapping up houses on the cheap. It becomes all apprearance and no substance. You can compare the same behavior with companies like Enron. Profits, spin to the consumer and marketing to Wall Street is their priority, not their product. Kind of like the mindset of those poeple I mentioned earlier that are only interested in their slice of the pies rather than creating a limitless pie.
Plus, someone that has learned a "trade" is different from those production line employees that only get skilled with the one or two things they do. Those carpenters, plumbers, etc. can take that specific skill other places. Hopefully it will be where management actually allows them to use rather than abuse their craft.
If you're wringing your hands you can't roll up your shirt sleeves.
Stangers have the best candy.