Originally Posted by Coppertop
I can't believe I am actually typing this, but here goes: So is Vader, therefore this...
is bullshit.
Do I feel better for having said that? No. Am I outed for having said that? No. Wear it with pride, man!
Also, don't forget to check out other places that have a longer history of similar events.
I think there's a point of contention here. Anakin Skywalker was a Jedi, not Vader. When Anakin became Vader, he no longer was a Jedi, and became a Sith.
As for a Jedi not having any harmful type powers, that's also wrong. Taking strictly the movies as canon and trying not to resort to KOTOR, which I think has an ongoing debate about canonical status, you can clearly see in the first ten minutes of Episode 1 that young Obi-wan uses Force Push and knocks the droids on their ass. Now, correct me if I'm wrong but that was Force Push, not Force Let's Kiss and Make Up. Now if someone wants to argue that it's okay because they were droids, keep reading.
I think what matters is two-fold, one part is the action, but the other part is the intention. Slicing off someone's arm in a blind fury = bad. Slicing off someone's arm who's about to blast your young protege = good.
Besides, what Force Powers would Yoda need to overcome Gandalf? And more importantly, sure lightsabers can deflect blaster bolts, but how do they fare against a fireball?
Damn you Coppertop. I'll be with my fellow nerds in our nerdery.