Originally Posted by powerclown
Martin said he would specifically be raising US restrictions on the imports of Canadian softwood lumber and beef.
Alright, we'll get right on that. First we'll really need all our troops back from Iraq to help with this Canadian lumber and beef problem. I mean how are we going to tackle this massive issue. What people don't realize and what exit poling failed to capture is just how large canadian beef was looming on the minds of voters. Moral values was actually a distance second. Terrorism? The War in Iraq? Stupid healthcare? They all seem like petty concerns when faced with softwood lumber restrictions.
I mean not a day goes by that I don't eat a pound of canadian bacon or carve up a log of good ol' canadian softwood. And don't get me started on my whittling! Without Canadian lumber with what will I whittle?!
O.K., all sarcasm aside, I actually have a friend who works at a lumber yard in Vancouver, so I am aware of the problems restrictions on Canadian lumber can cause (note: unlike us the majority of Canada is wilderness, so lumber is a big business in Canada that creates a lot of jobs). And I agree that US restrictions should be lifted, but Martin has got to realize that Bush has enough on his plate to worry about at the moment and Canadian lumber isn't going to be at the top of the pile.
Great post by the way. Very interesting.
I don't think there are too many surprises in the responses of world leaders. It is all about diplomacy after all.
However, I do think that some country leaders ARE actually happy to have Bush re-elected. Note that I'm refering to the leaders themselves.
AUSTRAILIA & BRITAIN: I think both Tony Blair & John Howard know where Bush stands and would rather have him in office than an unknown quantity like Kerry.
CHINA: People sometimes forget just how much U.S. money is tied up in China. And as a result China has got to be the most capitalistic communist country ever. And they have had a much better relations with republican presidents than with democrats.
IRAQ: Well, remember, I'm just talking about the leaders. And well Allawi is sort of prime minister (even if he's only the interim prime minister) because of Bush.
ISRAEL: Although Sharon would probably be happy with Kerry too, I think he feels the Bush White house to be more forgiving when it comes down to Israel's military retaliation against Palestine.
ITALY: Because Kerry once made fun of Italy's military. Okay, maybe not. But Italy does like to feel important.
RUSSIA: Because Putin respects, well, loves force and military might. That and the ability to put away a lot of vodka. I'm suprised he hasn't aksed Bush to marry him.
And lastly, SOUTH KOREA: 'Cause finally some one else figured out what they've know for some time: Kim Jong'il is a major asshole.