Because you've made a single response to all the posts lamenting the Christian right, I feel I should set myself apart. I have never supported Kerry nor do I scapegoat evangelical Christians for the reelection of Bush. It goes without saying that their votes are cast with the same thought and conviction as anyone else's. I simply find it disturbing that this group, and even those much less religious, are energized by such issues as treating gays as second-class citizens. Out of the eleven states that passed a ban on gay marriage, eight of those also banned same-sex civil unions. Is this where America is headed? I don't find it comforting that with these bans, Bush is given a mandate to push forward with a constitutional amendment to waste more time on, what I consider, a non-issue.
Even though America will never be behind a man like Ralph Nader (whom I voted for), the least I could hope for is a Congress and President that are not so polarized by their personal religious beliefs. It seems at least half of America doesn't agree, and that just depresses me.