This doesn't mean that Bush won the debates. This means that my previous point on the gullibility of the average American was confirmed. People completely bought the "fear factor." "Vote for me or we'll get hit again." Cheney directly said this a couple of weeks ago and so did Bush. What surprises me is that they won on "moral values." Moral values my ass. There's nothing "moral" about abandoning the people who got him elected (the middle class) for his corporate buddies, not allowing importation of drugs to help lower the cost of healthcare, drilling for oil forever without using science to try and reduce our dependence on mideast oil and saying fuck the environment in order to help his buddies make even more money. People don't do their own research on the issues, they only listen to 30 second ads on TV during primetime, they do whatever their minister says when he says that a vote against Bush is a sin, and they totally bought into their fear tactics. Bush can't protect us from a terrorist hit anymore that Kerry could have. If some guy has enough desire and wants to walk into a building with a bomb and set it off, he will. Bush in office or not.