You're welcome Irate and Gatorade.... not all us Dems are total whackjobs.
Originally Posted by roachboy
poor reactionaries
so easily offended.
how terrible art is
boo hoo
it is too bad that the right manages to stake out a position that enables them to be offended by art like this--which is relatively benign...
but you should get used to it it
you will see vast stream of art in various media that will offend your delicate sensibilities far more than this does over the next 4 years
every artist that i know wants nothing better than to use their work to deliver a huge offensive fuck you to people like you.
think about it
you want this kind of thing to go away?
try developing a thicker skin.
try not reacting.
try sucking it up and not reacting.
as it is, your sanctimonious reactionary drivel is the best commercial anyone could ask for.
Ok Roach a few questions:
How and when the Hell is using pictures of kids that died truly believing they were doing what was best for their country, OK?
How can you sit there and be against this war and yet make smart ass painful to any sane person comments like this quote and expect people to take what you say seriously?
I have always been of the belief the Dem party was built for love and peace not anger, hatred and malicious attacks on innocent people.
How is showing soldiers that die for what they believed benign to their families, friends and those who support the troops, I personally find it offensive and malicious? Or don't those families, friends, vets and people who take offense matter to you and their votes don't matter?
Did you ever think that trying so hard to offend the right also offends some of us more moderate liberals, so much so that perhaps your "art" and way of communicating cost us the election and Congress?
Is that ok for you because us moderates are GOP in sheeps clothing? Is that your belief? Because son, if it is and that is where you want the Dem party to go you may as well sign the country over to the GOP or hopefully leave the Dem Party and take your hate elsewhere.
Where on these boards can YOU EVER find me being GOP on anything? But now I am because I was offended by this "art" and am ashamed of the people in my party with the mentality that this is ok? Much like I know moderate Gop members that are ashamed of their extremists.
So in the next four years you are going to make more art like this and think it is ok? If so do me a favor and claim to be from a different party, because your "art" in no way represents what I want in my party.
And by the way just so noone can say anything........ I may despise this "art" and find no value in it whatsoever......but I do appreciate and respect the fact that something even this dispicable can be made without fear. to me by allowing it to be made not only shows freedom BUT allows those of us with some decency to point to why the Dem Party lost an election they should have won handily and why we should not allow this to be claimed by anyone in the party.