And dammit, I sure as hell didn't vote for Bush because of his morals. Don't say that just because you voted for Bush that you are a stupid hick. I live in an urban area, come from a middle-class household, support civil union for same sex couples, and support stem-cell research. I mainly voted for Bush because he was better equipped to lead this country in war, which, I'm sorry, we're already in. Frankly, I don't give a shit whether Kerry would have gone to war or not. It's too easy to criticize somebody in power, but Bush had some major cajones to go to war. Kerry would rather sit back and say "I wouldn't have done that" than actually come up with something original. Why aren't we whining about the people who vote for the more handsome candidate or the guy who votes for the candidate that would make for a better dinner guest???
"I'm telling you, we need to get rid of a few people or a million."