Originally Posted by SilverScooter
i'm a "young voter," i voted, and while i am more or less impressed with the numbers themselves, the way we got them is absolutely ludicrous. young people were turning up in droves because its the cool thing to do this year, it's vote or die, right?! in my humble opinion, if the group of young people i'm surrounded by can't decide when to stop drinking, if they can't decide not to smoke pot in a dormatory, if they can't decide not to go out on a friday night and steal street signs, the future of this country should not be remotely in their hands.
i like to consider myself "informed," but it's obvious that the majority of "young voters" managed to pull a 17% "uninformed moron" vote and i would be more than happy to support a movement to take that vote away from us until we learn how to use it. bipartisan registry is one thing, going to the polls blindly and following your buddy and talking about how "hot the bitch in front of [you]" was because of the lack of bipartisan voter education is another.
we got the vote out, but our voters are presently funneling a 40 off of a 3rd story balcony.
Yes, because we know that every person 18-25 smokes weed, drinks irresponsibly and is uninformed.....
Mass generalizations are fun and true!