Ok... so I am libral at heart, though I try to vote for an individual, not a party. I'm looking at the election results, reading the news, reading the posts, and one thing just keeps ringing through my head....
As a nation, we are roughly evenly split Dems / Repubs. However, our government is (and has been for the last 4 years) controlled by a single group. This can't be a good thing, and I wonder what effects this has had on our countries progress... Regardless of if it was 100% Dem, or 100% Rep, the other party needs to help keep the other in check, to make sure the other 1/2 is represented.
I can't even pretend to explain or understand why we saw what we did this election (in reference not only to W being re-elected, but to the Rep gaining seats) and I don't want this thread to get into that.
I am curious what others think (both sides of the political fence) about a single party calling the shots?
And I beg please, keep this civil... I really want to understand a bit better about how this could possibly good thing for this country...
A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kick boxing.
-- Emo Philips