It's funny that everyone is agreeing that the Democrats need to become more centrist and nominate a candidate who will appeal to rural voters. Kerry WAS the moderate candidate picked largely by Iowa voters. It's clear this model for success is flawed.
I actually think that the Democrats need to go left of where they are now to actually differentiate themselves. If this means remaining a permanent minority then so be it, Americans deserve real alternatives, not lighter shades of pale.
The Republicans are able to label progressive agendas as "the failed policies of the past" and there's some truth in that. What worked in the 1930s is not always the best plan for today. In four more years the Democrats will either be able to attack the "failed policies of Bush" or they may as well concede defeat now.
First Democrats need to stop feeding at the corporate trough, even if this means a huge loss of money. Corporate donations to Democrats need to be seen for what they are: hedge funds for big business in case the Dems win.
Dems need to focus on their strengths that are still applicable to today's world: worker's rights, universal healthcare, social security, social equality, limits on corporate monopoly, a libertarian sensibility for women's rights (abortion) and drug control (medical marijuana), and a sensible foreign policy. Five years ago Republicans were tearing their hair out at the prospect of American interventionism in Bosnia. Democrats need to have a foreign policy that allows for intervention based on facts, support from our allies, feasiblity, and a clear exit strategy. Iraq and Afghanistan need nation building, like it or not, Democrats are the only party willing to admit it.
People who voted Republican need to take a sober look at what they voted for: drilling in ANWAR, a conservative Supreme Court (read: repeal of Rowe v. Wade, prayer in school, harsh constraints on amendments 4,5,6: Search and Seizure, Grand Jury, Double Jeopardy, Self-Incrimination, Due Process, Jury Trial, Right to Confront and to Counsel), a regime too afraid to pass even the most lenient of gun control laws, tax cuts for the top 10% of earners, HMOs, rewarded outsourcing of American jobs, a blank check for the military-industrial complex, a rejection of equality for gays and lesbians let alone civil unions or gay marriage, and willing consent for the preemptive invasion of Iraq.
And a draft. Campaign rhetoric aside, unless we see a sudden change in Iraq there will be a draft. This is something I was biting my nails about concerning a possible Kerry presidency. Recruitment is low, the Reserves are already over-extended, and our allies are leaving not joining (Hungary is now withdrawing their troops). A draft seems inevitable.