Originally Posted by anti fishstick
I assure you there has been lots of room for politics in art throughout history. Just as "disrespectful" or offensive as this picture. Art is political and it always has been. Just look at Dadaism post WWI. When there is war, people are going to dissent, and people are going to talk, get organized, or hell just express. I think this picture is justified in showing the horrors and reality of what's happened so far...
I understand the meaning behind it and everyone on here knows I'm against the war, but that picture is disrespectful not to Bush I don't give a damn about him, but to those who have lost their lives doing what they felt was their duty to protect this country. I think it is things like that that totally turn away anyone that was on the fence.
I know if I were a member of their family or a friend I'd be upsetandfeel hateful of the Dems for doing this.
that picture would have accomplished far more if the pictures used were of Haliburton, wallets filled with money and oil. But to disrespect the troops by using their pictures is just without taste and shouldn't be done.
I'm a Dem, but things like this make me ashamed to be on the side of these type of people that would play games like this.