Actually, I used VB for quite a while and found it easy to make the transition to c#.
It seems confusing a bit at first, but you'll find that the syntax structure is the same in quite a few languages like c, java, javascript, actionscript, etc.. If you've never used any of those before, don't worry - it doesn't take long to learn syntax.
Once you get beyond that and figure out the basics, you just need to get used to the .net classes. For example, all of your File/Directory related classes are in System.IO, so you'd toss in "using System.IO;" at the top of your code file.
Honestly, it's very straight forward. Define the variable, instantiate it, call the methods, set properties, etc... that's about it! Just like ya do in any VB app.
You'll also find it's much more efficient to code in C#. There's too much typing in VB, not to mention VB is extremely limited once you learn the more advanced features that C# has to offer (OOP). VB has very very limited OOP to the point where it's almost useless.
It does take a little bit to get used to, but really shouldn't take long. I'd say buy yourself a good book on it (I used "Professional C#" by Wrox) or just spend some time on google. Think of a simple little program you can make in VB and try to make it in C#.
Work your way up from there.
Progressing to C# will help you as a programmer in the long run because once you learn c#, you pretty much know java (with minor differences in stynax.. like sealed vs. final). Also, if you were to read c/c++, you wouldn't be as lost.
It definitely opens up different avenues for you as a programmer.
I love lamp.
Last edited by Stompy; 11-03-2004 at 08:23 PM..