A few things:
YODA=800 yrs old.
GANDALF=3000+ yrs old.
In terms of magic/force speak, age=power. Gandalf has spent a lot more time living and gettin' on, so thusly he would prove to be the wiser and have honed his skills to a finer point.
Also, the point has been made that Gandalf has all of yoda's abilities and then some. Very true. Gandalf is only limited to the spells that he has enchanted into his staff, while yoda is limited to the few force powers granted him.
ALSO... Yoda is a JEDI. he can't use any force powers that are meant to HARM. That means no force lightning, no life drain, etc. etc. All he can use are defensive force powers. He can't even drop huge shit on gandalf because that would send him spiraling down the path to the dark side.
Finally, one must assume that the lightsaber is a high energy weapon, and that the only real physical defense that a jedi has is the clothing he wears. Contrast that to the massive array of energy deflection spells one would assume Gandalf could cast and the various incantations that he could imbue his sword with, I think we have a winner.
Gandalf all the way.
Don't tell my Fiance that I'm a huge NERD.