I guess this means Bush won the Debates
I remember during the debates a lot of people said that Bush was toast that he lost the debates.
My question is what constitutes winning the debate?
Is it the end result, hence Bush being elected.
Or the well versed and rehearsed speaking of the actual debate itself.
I personally hope that maybe we can also take out of this that the debates are great and all but it is the actions of the polition and his core beliefs that make him a good president.
Now I know I will get flamed for saying this simply becasue i am speaking in a way that may be seen as favorable to Bush.
It has already been made clear on the boards that over all TFP ( at least from th epolls and posts) seem to loke Kerry better.
But All I am really after here is .
Is it the end result that proves who realy won the debates or is it the prettiness of it?
One thing I do have to say on Kerry's behalf is that over all he conceded graciously even though Edwards would have brought in Bush's 3rd grade teacher if he could before conceding.
It just goes to show that no matter what side you beleive in that there is a certain degree of integrity on both sides.
What is everyone doing in my room?