Smooth although completely different views to me as i'm a NSBM (no sex before marriage) as it was explained to me.... but I understand FULLY what ur saying and agree with you.
<i>She's trying to please her desires, not the least of which is to please a man she is interested in. She gets nocked for that? I don't understand. I'd be very surprised to find that no young men had pressured her to do something that was otherwise against her belief.</i> I fully have those desires to have sex etc.. but have I? Not yet I believe in waiting for marriage and so far so good! But pressure. Like no other. Hardest (pun...) thing EVER to say no to.... apart from maybe this root canal i need next week...
Also on ur point of having parent 'check' on their children I think that that is wrong to do as it shows no trust in their child. But as with all of this to each their own! -HG