Like it or not, this is a manifestation of what is happening around the world.
America is moving towards Christian fundamentalism. Just like Israel is moving towards Jewish fundamentalism and the Middle East Islamic fundamentalism.
It seems that in times of unrest and uncertainty, which both Israel and the Middle East have been experiencing for some time and America only recently, people's fears, uncertainty and doubt drive them more towards their faith. This is what is happening in America. Questions of morality and beliefs have become politically manifest. For example, there truly is no "real" logical or technical reason to be opposed to gay marriage, stem cell research other than that they are anathema to your faith.
Some people may decry this opinion. "What?!" they may shout, "America fundamentalist?!!". But I honestly believe this is what is happening.
Now, depending upon your position this may not matter at all. So what if you believe in a more rigid or fundamental interpretation of your faith? And that's entirely fine. It's patently what is happening. Others, though, like myself would and will yearn for a dispassionate examination of these "moral questions". It's a very difficult topic.
If you believe, as you are entitled to, that it is wrong to do or support something then it is only expected that you should vote for someone whose views you share.
I only hope that in the future, America comes together rather than continues to drift apart. All this discussion about massive endorsements and name calling is not helping your country. Remember that your real enemies, if you will, lie not only overseas and in the guise of terrorism, but also within... a slow cancerous degeneration of what makes your country great will bring about its fall just as likely as any terrorist attack.
Bush has won. Kerry has lost. Now it's time to heal.
Mr Mephisto