Originally Posted by chickentribs
The way I understand it, our Christian friend would only be hypocritical if she was telling other people how they should behave in their sex lives. It sounds like she is behaving in accordance with her beliefs, whatever they may be.
I do find it rather hypocritical that people are lashing out against her because her ideas are different than the majority of the people in this thread. Who is pushing the ideology here? I am non-religous, but anybody who makes blanket statements like "I don't like (fill in the group of people)" worry me. You don't have to have religion to be fundamentalist.
I agree with the posters expressing this opinion. I also add that this girl doesn't seem fucked up at all, her context is fucked up.
She's trying to please her desires, not the least of which is to please a man she is interested in. She gets nocked for that? I don't understand. I'd be very surprised to find that no young men had pressured her to do something that was otherwise against her belief. Coupled with societal pressures to indulge in loose sexual activity as a male right, and inhibit female sexuality unless engaged on the terms of males (in this particular case, why can't
he have sex if she was willing to engage in oral sex--isn't that bizarre, she should have fucked him, otherwise she is confused and hypocritical), it's shocking that she isn't sleeping around and admirable to me.
Also, depending on her flavor of christianity (young catholics come to mind, but not limited to them), her parents might subject her to a yearly exam to ascertain her 'purity.'
If she had just said she didn't want to fuck, that would somehow be better? Odd reasoning to me.
Oh yeah, and I don't recommend not hooking up with christians. And, yes, they do swallow. Seems like you have the opportunity to hit gold--don't fuck it up with short-sightedness. Train her!