Here in Finland:
Drunkenness is pretty much an excuse AND an explanation to do stupid things, but it's NOT that simple here, either.
You're ALWAYS yourself when you're drunk. Probably you're more close to your True Heart then. (depends on a person, but I'd still grossly overgeneralize)
"Honeybabe. I think I love you" is much easier to say for the first time, when you've had a few beers.
Fact: Alcohol diminishes one's inhibitions and fears.
Reality: People let go of their "everyday faces" and habits. Just look at your boss at x-mas party.

(if he doesn't let loose there, he's a tightass!)
People show more of their relaxed persona and be more "true" to themselves and others.
I think the human mind NEEDS a way to sometimes "lose" oneself in order to stay clean.
I personally prefer to get loaded a few times a month (usually every saturday) to "boot my brain", rather than lay sprawled on the floor of my livingroom and "let the evil thoughts slip away".
Some people jog, smoke pot (DON'T!), drive fast, do kung fu, masturbate, wash dishes or whatever to "boot" and lose themselvews for a while, just to carry on next week at McJob.
Unfortunately too much people aren't true to themselves and don't/can't show their True face, so they change radically when they're drunk.
If you notice you change into "Mr./Ms. Hyde" after a few beers, take more time to get to know yourself.
My two cents.