Wow - janda, I hope this thread has helped you - but it really has helped me to know other guys have gone through a libido drop. My sig other went through a period of depression and for six months we didn't have sex. It was incredibly difficult, and I essentially had to lay in bed every night and supress all of my desire and need. I felt a lot of guilt for even feeling horny (for lack of a better word) when she was in such a bad place mentally.
You can guess where this is going. I taught myself to lose attraction out of necessity, and than when she came around I was stuck there. It was aggravating and frustrating for both of us.
Here is my point - be sensitive when you talk with him about this. Whatever the cause for his lack of desire, men are supposed to be "good to go" at the drop of a hat (just look at the posts in this thread) and when that is missing in you, it challenges a man's self esteem at the most base level. Case in point, this is the first time that I have ever "talked" about it to anybody.
The drug therapy solutions may be a good idea just to help him spark the fire. I have to believe that he wants passion in his life, just like you. Men are pretty good at stonewalling all of that stuff though... Good Luck -
Oft expectation fails...
and most oft there Where most it promises
- Shakespeare, W.