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Old 11-02-2004, 08:36 PM   #11 (permalink)
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1. Turned a post 9/11 recession around in to one of the strongest economies we've ever had.
2. Cut taxes for most people who actually pay them (which is arguably the reason for #1).
3. Disabled and/or captured 70% of al Qaeda leadership.
4. Removed one of the most despotic dictators in history from power.
5. Disrupted the Taliban, and brought democratic elections to Afghanistan.

You asked for info so here it is. I'm not providing sources; do your own homework (I mean everyone). Most viewing this have already decided whether or not to believe it.

Now, is it all gumdrops and roses? Not hardly. He has also:

1. Increased the national deficit
2. Expanded government faster than Clinton did
3. Created one of the biggest and most nebulous govt entities in Homeland Security
4. Funded faith-based substance-abuse programs

However, IMHO, this is a one-issue campaign: who will be tougher on terrorism. And I think Bush is the obvious choice there. For everything else, write your congressman.
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