Originally Posted by Lasereth
Like I said before, the decision was made because Hussein showed an opportune chance of capture. The US <I>was able</I> to invade Iraq and get rid of Hussein. Hussein's power threshold is relatively small compared to the examples you listed. I believe the other examples you listed would be a very bad idea for the US Government to pursue. Hussein is a single dictator with a relatively small amount of power compared to the rest. The other examples are either not under the control of a single dictator or are under the control of a dictator that has a hold on the entire country who has also proven that testing Nuclear Warheads is his favorite Weekend Activity.
But don't you see, picking and choosing who we invade makes us look to all the world like a bully. We hit Sadaam because in all reality he couldn't really hit back. North Korea can, so now we forget our moral imperative to rid the world of this dictator? Hence the real reason of us invading is not that he's a bad guy. For fuck's sake we've put worse men than him in power in the past. So why Iraq? I have an idea, and it might have something to do with the fact that the US is now a de facto member of OPEC.