First, let me just say that regardless of who you vote for, be sure to vote. I am a believer in the two party system, (I have written about this before and don't have the time to rehash it now) but I would never fault someone for voting with their conscience. I do have to say that Hal's comments are more that a little condescending. Stating that those who do not agree with your general outlook are "unthinking" or simply being herded by some form of socio-political brainwashing movements is truly painting with a big brush. I am guessing that you have recently studied the concepts of "Group Think" and are simply caught up in a whirl of social engineering yourself. That being said, I am glad you have made your comments since they (as they usually do) have sparked some interesting debate.
I, as many of you can guess, proudly voted for John Kerry. I have been a staunch Kerry supporter from just about the time he announced. I have worked with his campiagn and have had the opportunity to meet the Senator twice. I am enthusiastic in my support of the Senator and truly believe he will make an exemplary President.
He is a deep thinker and strategist. He has a commanding grasp of international and domestic issues. He brings to the table a desire to promote the environment and science and has advanced an intriguing (though not perfect) idea for a way to help increase health care coverage in America. He has a history of working well with foreign leaders and is known in Washington as one of the Senators who can work with either party to get things done. I hear all the time that President Bush is a good and sincere man. I actually agree with that assessment, and believe that John Kerry possesses those same qualities. He is not as "open" or "folksy" as President Bush, but he cares about America, its citizens and our future. John Kerry regardless of how the Bush Campaign and the GOP want to paint him, is not weak on the military. He actually has a strong record of voting to promote sensible (ie not-wasteful) military spending. His record is not nearly as "liberal" as it is being portrayed. I firmly believe that he will govern from the middle, with an even hand, keen insight and with a belief that we can make this country even stronger and certainly more respected.
I also voted for John McCain for Senate, so don't think I am just a Dem party hack.